Sebastian Sztyber's Portfolio

Hamburger Lesson Plan

Software Used:
Blender, Media Encoder, Visual Studio Code

External resources:,

Brief Summary of Project:
I was following along in a Three.JS lesson plan which called for a hamburger model. I, of course, overdid this part in Blender but this helped give me an idea of performance in a browser environment after having implemented this. You can follow the link just below to see this model in a custom made environment with certain rendering options exposed to the user. This is similar to what sketchfab does. So while I did follow along with the lesson plan, this was my result. I then made a quick camera fly through to show the instructor how much fun I had with the lesson plan. I later used this model to portray layouts for various sheets as for various uses.

Custom Made Browser App Verison Hosted on

If you are on a computer you can orbit using the left mouse click and pan using the right. If you are viewing it on your phone you can orbit using one finger touch and pan/zoom using two as per typical mobile device navigation.

Workflow Methodology:
The modeling was performed in Blender. All the textures were made by me editing images found on google image search within Photoshop. I used the color (diffuse) images to generate normal, height, and reflectance maps and in the case of the tomato, I even took the photograph myself on the ole’ iPhone. I made it a requirement of myself to generate the textures so I could control everything. I created the code to generate the geometry, which was a gltf export out of Blender, and fetch the textures in the browser window and hosted the app on The sheets(pages), which could just as easily be product labels, shipping labels, banners, etc… were produced using sketchup and layout. I simply imported the model from Blender and stylized it to portray a more CAD friendly approach. Most importantly, everything I model is done so to scale.   

*Most media content has had sensitive client information removed to generalize the portfolio entry. Images appearing blurry and unreadable is done so intentionally to prevent extraction of document data and are meant simply to convey general layouts and visual elements.